Indulge in the exclusive world of Club Pawstar, a luxurious haven for those who adore the fluffy, furry realm of Pawstar. Membership unlocks special online perks and exclusive benefits at official Pawstar booths.
---Online Perks
- 7 day early product access
- Members only products
- Automatic 5% discount at checkout (online only)
- Exclusive access to the Club Pawstar blogs
- Includes exclusive video content.
- Includes Q&A with the Pawstar team.
- Includes sneak peeks into upcoming products.
- Includes first glimpse at each quarters Pawstar mystery box.
- Year round Color-Swap listings.
---In Booth Perks
- Exclusive Club Pawstar swag
What does the VIP Club Pawstar Membership include, that the standard Club Pawstar Membership does not?
- Extended custom order request season.
- Club Pawstar discount is 10% vs the standard 5%
- Club Pawstar discount my be used in booth or online. Standard members may only use their discount online.
Discover quality you can trust with Pawstar. Since 2003, Pawstar has been dedicated to crafting high-quality products that are made in the USA and covered by a superior manufacturers lifetime warranty. Enjoy confidence and peace of mind with your purchase!
★ For information about washing, warranty and more visit our Help Center