Spotlight Sunday : Salem / Spooklingg - Fan, Content Creator & Sales Team!

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── SPOTLIGHT SUNDAY ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Salem "Spooklingg"
☆ Everyday is Halloween.
☆ I am a licensed high end body piercer.
☆ My living room is essentially a video game museum
Socials: @spooklingg
I discovered Pawstar about 19 years ago, I believe at Nekocon, though I can’t be so sure. I can barely remember last week, let alone almost 2 decades ago haha. My first purchase was of course a kitty hat and then followed closely by my first set of leg warmers. After that- it was all downhill. I became known as “the girl with the fluffy leg warmers”. I still love them. I love pairing them with a fur vest to balance the fluff distribution. I enjoy creating outfits with DSF pieces and mixing Pawstar’s fluffy fur and leather goods in!

I play a lot of video games in my free time, which is very minimal haha. So because of that, I usually am playing something on my Switch since it’s easier to pick up and put down. The Legend of Zelda is probably my favorite franchise, but I have very eclectic and varied interests. A few notable ‘faves’ include Borderlands, Bioshock, Portal, Catherine, Fatal Frame, Anything from Team ICO, Tekken, Kingdom Hearts and a variety of Rhythm Games (Taiko no Tatsujin, WACCA, DDR, Jubeat, etc..).

Horror is my comfort genre for movies- SAW is my favorite franchise (hot take, I know ). A final surprising thing about me that people don’t tend to believe when they first meet me is that I’m a real big Kansas City Chiefs football fan. I love meeting new people and making more friends in the horror/spooky community. If you ever see me at a convention chances are I will have trinkets to trade with you. I post on my socials where I’ll be, so if you see me- say hi!!

Let’s take a picture together! Stay spooky, y’all
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